Overview of Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia, one of the Caribbean islands, captivates those who explore its coastline with its diverse and breathtaking landscapes. Covering a land area of 617 km² and with a population of 182,790 people (according to UN data in 2019), Saint Lucia is known for its captivating scenery. The official language spoken is English, although a considerable number of residents also speak French and Spanish. The population tends to concentrate along the coast, while the interior is more sparsely populated due to dense forests. With its soothing waves and warm beaches, Saint Lucia welcomes visitors to experience its vibrant, discerning, and alluring charm. The island combines the tropical allure of the region with exclusivity, authenticity, and engagement. Saint Lucia embodies adventure and inspiration, leaving visitors reluctant to depart and eager to return.






Eastern Caribbean Dollar


Total Area

617 km2






Parliamentary system and a Commonwealth Realm


Population (2024)


Citizenship by Investment Program of Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia inaugurated its Citizenship by Investment program in 2016, drawing from the experiences of other Caribbean countries with established programs. Designed to incorporate best practices and efficiency, the program enables foreign investors to acquire permanent legal citizenship and a second passport within a timeframe of 3 to 4 months.

Citizenship by investment in Saint Lucia is available through three options:

  • Non-refundable contribution under the National Economic Fund (NEF)
  • Real estate investment in an approved project under Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit
  • Government Bonds

Benefits of Saint Lucia Citizenship and Passport

The citizenship program of Saint Lucia is open to applicants of all nationalities, without any restrictions. It also does not mandate applicants to undergo a language test or necessitate residence or visits to the country. Holders of Saint Lucia passports have the right to vote, purchase property, and live and work in the country.

St. Lucia passport holders are privileged to numerous benefits:
  • Visa-free access to 145 countries and territories, including the Schengen zone and the UK
  • Allows dual citizenship
  • Permanent residency status
  • Right to live and work in many other Caribbean countries
  • Citizenship is inheritable by newborns
  • Easier access to the US and Canada
  • No imposed taxes on non-residents
  • No residency requirement before or after the grant of Saint Lucia second passport

Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Options

ST Lucia
Option 1: The National Economic Fund (Donation)

The National Economic Fund (NEF) was established to finance government-sponsored projects. It involves a non-refundable contribution, the amount of which depends on the number of dependents included in the application:

Single applicant

US $240,000

Main applicant and spouse

US $275,000

Family of four

US $300,000

Additional dependents

US $25,000 per applicant

Option 2 : Real Estate Investment

The applicant is required to invest in a government-approved real estate project within Saint Lucia with a minimum value of US $300,000. The investor must retain ownership of the property for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of citizenship grant. Additionally, the resale of the real estate under the Citizenship by Investment Program is permissible only after five (5) years from acquiring citizenship.

The following government fees also apply depending on the number of dependents included in the application:

Single applicant

US $30,000

Main applicant and spouse

US $45,000

Dependents 18 years or above

US $10,000 per applicant

Dependents under 18 years:
Up to 4 children
Fifth child and more

US $5,000 per applicant
US $10,000 per applicant

Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment
saint lucia citizenship
Option 3 : Government Bonds

Applicants can fulfill the requirements for Citizenship by Investment by acquiring Government bonds in the applicant’s name. The investor is required to retain the bonds for a minimum period of five (5) years. It’s important to note that the bonds do not accrue any interest during this period, and only the initial purchase amount is eligible for recovery. The specified investment needed to meet the criteria is:

Main applicant
(Irrespective of the number of persons in the application)

US $300,000

Non-Refundable Administrative Fee

US $50,000

Additional Fees for St. Lucia Citizenship

Application and registration fee

US $750 per applicant

Processing for main applicant

US $2,000

Processing for spouse

US $1,000

Processing for each dependent

US $1,000

Due diligence for main applicant

US $8,000

Due diligence for spouse

US $5,000

Due diligence for dependents above 16 years old

US $5,000 per applicant

saint lucia passport

How to Qualify for St. Lucia Citizenship?

  • The primary applicant for Saint Lucia citizenship must be at least 18 years old.
  • Applicants must possess a clean criminal record.
  • Proof of the source of funds for the investment is required.
  • Dependent children under the age of 30 are eligible.
  • Dependent parents above the age of 55 can be included.
  • Unmarried dependent siblings of the main applicant under the age of 18 may be considered.
  • Undergoing due diligence checks is a mandatory step for approval.

How to Apply and Obtain St. Lucia Citizenship?

Citizenship Network is an authorized Promoter listed under the Citizenship by Investment Unit of Saint Lucia to promote and provide full services of their Citizenship by Investment program.

  • Our specialized team will assist you in collecting, translating, and notarizing the required documents, ensuring compliance with Saint Lucia government’s requirements.
  • The documents, along with due diligence and processing fees, will be submitted to the government of Saint Lucia, initiating your application and undergoing due diligence.
  • Upon securing initial approval, the Saint Lucia government will request the remaining funds.
  • You proceed with your chosen investment for the program.
  • Upon completion, you receive your Certificate of Naturalization, officially becoming a citizen of Saint Lucia.
  • Your Citizenship Network advisor handles the application for your Saint Lucia passport and delivers it to you.

Reach us to learn all about St. Lucia Program, Application Details and Visa-Free Countries

Over recent years, the government of Saint Lucia has been actively working to broaden its list of countries offering visa-free access.

FAQ’s About Saint Lucia Citizenship

Is it safe to travel to St. Lucia?

Saint Lucia is highly favored among honeymooners, attracting them with its warm and welcoming population. It stands out as one of the safest countries in the Caribbean.

Why is St. Lucia so expensive?

Saint Lucia attracts numerous cruise ships and honeymooners, leading to a more tourist-oriented and developed atmosphere. This popularity contributes to higher costs, making it relatively more expensive compared to some other Caribbean islands.

How do you become a citizen of St. Lucia?

Saint Lucia provides citizenship through its citizenship by investment program, allowing individuals to acquire citizenship through non-refundable donations, real estate investments, or government bonds.

Does St. Lucia allow dual citizenship?

Yes, Saint Lucia allows dual citizenship, so investors can maintain their existing citizenships.

Can foreigners buy property in St. Lucia?

Foreigners are allowed to purchase property in Saint Lucia, reflecting the government’s commitment to encouraging foreign direct investment.

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